
The Washington State Association of Broadcasters, customarily known as the WSAB, is a member supported trade association representing the management of radio and television stations in the state of Washington.  Founded in 1935, the WSAB advocates for its members in Olympia and Washington, DC, focusing its legislative efforts on the preservation of journalists’ rights (including public records access), advertising categories and any matters that effect the day-to-day operation of radio and television stations.  Membership consists of commercial radio and television stations and non-commercial public (including educational) radio and television stations in the state of Washington.  In addition, there are more than 50 Associate members from fields related to the broadcasting industry. 

The President & CEO of the WSAB is Keith Shipman, a commercial radio and television broadcasting veteran with more than four decades of experience. The board of directors and officers are comprised of station ownership and management representing a cross section of the industry -- both large and small market radio and television companies in all geographic areas of the state.

The WSAB focuses its efforts on state and federal legislation, public affairs, membership training, employment recruitment and broadcast scholarships. The WSAB is also an active participant in a joint council comprised of state bar, press and broadcaster representatives who deal with working relationships between media and the courts.

A monthly broadcast industry newsletter is produced by the WSAB and emailed to members, providing media, legislative and legal information for member stations.

The WSAB maintains a website which includes career opportunities, legislative issues, and member station contact information.

The WSAB is active in state and federal legislative issues pertaining to broadcasting. The WSAB uses a contract lobbyist to monitor activity, maintain relationships in Olympia and our Association works closely with the National Association of Broadcasters to work with our Congressional delegation in Washington, DC.

The WSAB Scholarship Program has granted financial assistance to undergraduate students in the state of Washington since 1982.   Beginning in 2022, the Washington State Association of Broadcasters will present awards to undergraduate students at Washington State University, the University of Washington, Central Washington University and Gonzaga University.

 To better serve the membership of the Washington State Association of Broadcasters, the WSAB has retained David Oxenford of Wilkenson Barker Knauer in Washington, DC to serve as its FCC legal counsel.  Eric Stahl of Davis Wright Tremaine in Seattle represents the WSAB for in-state issues. 

Through a program known as the Public Educational Program (PEP), the state’s broadcasters donate coordinated campaigns of announcements for state agencies and non-profit social service organizations without budgets dedicated to regular broadcast advertising. 

The WSAB address is PO Box 18026, Spokane, WA 99228.  The telephone number is 360-705-0774 and the email address is: kshipman@wsab.org